Indie Filmmakers should know how to obtain great SEO

When working on a film that isn’t backed by a major film company you don’t have much of a marketing budget to rely on. Movies that are backed by major companies have all the money they need to put on marketing campaigns for their films. Since Indie filmmakers don’t usually have all that money behind them they must use the internet to help get their name out there. 

Zack Coffman of One World Studios explains in this how to: sep for indie filmmakers how to make your site have the highest amount of SEO in order to get your name out there. SEO can help a film make it or can make you not get noticed at all. In Coffmans case he managed to sell over 10,000 copies of his film out of an apartment. Look into make your site the best it can be and help yourself to getting noticed. 

A well put together site is what one needs along with the right social media optimization. Once you have your sites SEO to the best it can be start putting your links on social media and promoting your film. The two work hand in hand and can be a reason as to why you become successful.

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